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Quest:Under the Watch of Carchost

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Under the Watch of Carchost
Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Fushaum Gund
Start Region The Wastes
Map Ref [35.6S, 0.9W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group The Wastes: The Slag-hills
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You find the enemy encampment of Fushaum Gund is densely populated with the Orc forces of Mordor. Perhaps thinning their numbers will help the Rangers in the Slag-hills.


You take it upon yourself to thin the number of Orcs gathered at the encampment of Fushaum Gund.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Mordor Overseers (0/4)
  • Defeat Orcs in Fusham Gund (0/10)

The Orc encampment of Fushaum Gund is located on the eastern slopes of the Slag-hills.

You should defeat Orcs in the encampment.

Objective 2

  • Completed

Defeated many Orcs in Fushaum Gund.

You have defeated many Orcs in Fushaum Gund. This should reduce their numbers around the Slag-hills.